Dr.-Ing. Stephan Anders
Director DGNB System DGNB System
Stephan Anders studied Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart and the ETH Zurich. From 2009 to 2015 he was an assistent professor and doctoral candidate at the Institute for Urban Design at the University of Stuttgart.
Since 2012 he works for the German Sustainable Building Council e. V. (DGNB). At the DGNB he cared for the development and international application of the certification systems for sustainable urban districts and industrial locations.
Since 2015 he is also lecturer for urban planning at the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart.
2016 he published his dissertation with the title “city as a system: method of holistic analysis of planning concepts”.
Since 2017 he is the Director of the DGNB System.
Sustainable urban redevelopment – challenges, instruments, pilot projects
Europe is a developed structure. A large lever for sustainable development, and for succeeding climate protection goals, therefore lies in already developed and existing buildings and structures. But how can their potentials be enhanced? The presentation will outline existing and tested instruments of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB e.V.) and will also illustrate how innovative pilot projects can be implemented in practice.